Teeth Whitening vs Veneers | Which one to Choose and Why?

Are you frustrated by stained teeth? Looking for a solution for rapid transformation to enhance your appearance? Well, teeth whitening and veneers are some common options for brightening and fixing your smile. With 600,000 Americans opting for veneers every year and teeth whitening being a common method, choosing which options suit you best is pretty difficult. 

In this article, we discuss teeth whitening vs veneers in detail, ensuring that you have all your facts cleared before investing in dental treatment.


Veneers are thin shells that provide a protective cover to the front surface of your teeth. They are designed for teeth with discoloration, chips, misalignment, and gaps. Not only do they deliver a natural look, but they also enhance your smile, addressing both cosmetic concerns and long-term aesthetic goals.

 Teeth whitening is a procedure that targets stains and discoloration. It is used to brighten dull teeth and is said to bleach teeth to a shiny white color. In the teeth whitening vs veneers comparison, it is clear that if you have a structural issue, you should go for veneers, but if you just want to remove some tooth stains temporarily, then teeth whitening might be your solution.


When choosing between teeth whitening vs veneers, one aspect that you should keep in mind is the appearance. Veneers will give you a natural look as they are customizable and designed to be a perfect fit so that it does not look artificial. You can select your shade color and how bright or light you want your teeth to look by comparing it with your face and skin tone. 

Now, teeth whitening does remove stains, but not all darkened ones. This bleaching treatment sometimes looks artificial and doesn’t give you a natural look. You also don’t get the option of choosing the shade of whitening that will go on your teeth.

Treatment Procedure

Another factor that you must consider when choosing between teeth whitening vs veneers is the procedure. The veneer process involves several steps. During your first visit, a dentist will discuss your smile goals, and you will select your ideal shade. A small portion of your tooth’s front might be removed to create space for the veneer. Then, impressions will be taken to customize your veneers. At your next visit, your veneers will be fitted, and that will be it. 

Teeth whitening is a straightforward procedure. First, your teeth will be cleaned to fix any issues like cavities. Then, a whitening gel will be applied to your teeth, which will be activated through a special laser light. The gel will then be removed, revealing your bright teeth. The difference between veneers vs teeth whitening in this aspect is that teeth whitening will be done in one visit while veneers will take some time.

Treatment Time

As discussed above in the teeth whitening vs veneers process, getting veneers can take some time. Usually, your whole veneer process will be done in a 3-week duration. This long time is because of the customization process.  On the other hand, teeth whitening is a short procedure and won’t take longer than half an hour.

You should choose the teeth whitening process for a quick brightening up of your teeth if time is your priority.

Different Types

When you are choosing between teeth whitening vs veneers, you should keep in mind that these treatments have different types and not all are the best choice for you. For veneers, the types are based on the materials used, while the teeth whitening types are based on the actual process. 

Types of Veneers

  • Ceramic Veneers: These veneers are made of composite resin. This low-quality material is prepared quickly, avoiding a long wait for customization of veneers as done for the other types. 
  • Porcelain Veneers: These are the premium quality veneers that last pretty long and give the most beautiful smile results.

Teeth Whitening Types

  • In-Office Whitening: This treatment happens in the dentist’s chair, using a strong whitening gel and a special light for a quick result.
  • At-Home Whitening: This whitening method involves custom trays filled with a lower-concentration gel. It takes a bit longer but has the flexibility of doing the whole procedure at home.
  • Whitening Toothpaste: The toothpaste whitening type is a gentle way of slowly removing stains on your teeth. You will have to wait for the results of white teeth for about a month. 

With these types clear, the choice of porcelain veneers vs teeth whitening is quite difficult, but other factors should be considered before making a decision. 


When it comes to deciding between teeth whitening vs veneers, the cost is a big factor to weigh. Going for veneers means you’re investing quite a bit in your dental treatment. The cost actually depends on the type you choose. You can choose a cheap or expensive material depending on your situation. 

Teeth whitening is a different matter and isn’t too costly. The expense varies, especially if you go for in-office whitening, which can be a bit pricier due to the quick results. At-home whitening is a more budget-friendly option, taking a bit more time but saving you some cash.

So, in the teeth whitening vs cost aspect, you should decide what kind of result you want and then invest in one treatment. For quick results, go for teeth whitening; if you are willing to make a long-term investment, veneers will be your best option! 

Pain Experience

When comparing teeth whitening vs veneers, it’s best to consider the discomfort and sensitivity that will come with any of these procedures. With veneers, you won’t feel any pain during and after the procedure. Dentists use numbing agents like local anesthetic during the initial steps so you won’t feel anything. You may feel sensitivity afterward, but it won’t last longer than a day.

Teeth whitening does cause mild pain and sensitivity for days after the procedure is done. It does go away after two to three days, and you will be recommended some pain medication to lessen the side effects. This sensitivity and ache are because of the hydrogen peroxide material that is in the whitening gel. 

If you compare veneers vs teeth whitening in the sensitivity and pain aspect, veneers would be a better painless choice than teeth whitening. 


The most important factor when choosing between teeth whitening vs veneers is how long each treatment can last. Well, veneers boast a lifespan of up to 10 years and can even last longer if you take care of your health. On the other hand, teeth whitening, though effective, tends to offer a shorter-term glow, typically lasting around two years

Now that you know the difference between veneers vs teeth whitening, it is time you look for a dental clinic that would help you get your desired treatment. 

Hesed Dentistry - Veneers Expert in NJ

If you are looking for professionals who would help you get porcelain veneers in NJ, then Hesed Dental is your go-to place! 

Our modern technology ensures that every patient gets the best care. Plus, with our in-house lab customizing veneers, your smile will get the personal touch it deserves.

Take your first step towards achieving a beautiful smile! Contact us today to book your consultation, and let’s start your veneers journey!